Are you interested in the DISC Personality Test? Check out the sample question and report made by JobTest for a detailed understanding of the assessment.
Are you interested in the DISC Personality Test?

The DISC Personality Test

The DISC Personality Test provides a comprehensive view about how people think, act and interact. This is one of the most well-known personality assessment tools, and it was developed over decades based on meticulous study and reputable research. 

What is DISC?

DISC is a test that helps you discover your core personality. After conducting the test, you may obtain a thorough picture of how you actually think, act, and interact with others. The four key personalities in DISC are:

  • Dominance (D) 

  • Influence (I) 

  • Steadiness (S) 

  • Compliance (C) 

What is DISC?

The DISC’s features

 D - The Mighty Eagle 


Confident, definitive, strong, proactive, determined, competitive and dynamic are the words that fully represent the Dominance. According to the DISC test, this group makes up about 15% of the world’s population. Moreover, the majority of them could be at the manager level. 


Individuals in this group are suitable for professions that require quick decisions, such as police, lawyers, salesmen, and many more. The symbol of the Dominance is the Mighty Eagle.

The DISC’s features

I - The Vibrant Peacock

The individuals belonging to the Influence are usually tagged with some keywords like "energetic," "vigorous, "open, "cheerful," "optimistic, and many more. About 30% of the world’s population has this personality. They are those who enjoy change and are enthusiastic about new experiences.


So, this group includes people in professions that require creativity, such as designing, marketing, events, acting, and many more. Their symbol is the Vibrant Peacock.

S - The Gentle Pigeon 


The Steadiness group is described as courteous, stable, responsible, devoted, and willing to help. The majority of them are people of very few words, despise competition, and are prone to agreement. There are an estimated 40% of the world’s population who belong to this group. 


Some of the professions that are suitable for the Steadiness are customer services, doctor, nurse, and many more. The Gentle Pigeon represents this personality. 

C - The Calm Owl 


This is the group that emphasizes discipline, perfection, caution, logic, concentration, etc. Only approximately 15% of the world’s population shares this trait. They will primarily be appropriate for positions requiring high expectations in details such as accounting, finance, IT, and so on, or the engineering industry.The Compliance symbol is The Calm Owl. 

Application of the DISC Personality Test

According to the DISC Personality Test, there are 4 main distinct personalities. However, the number of individuals who just belong to a sole group is quite rare. In the majority, we will be a part of 2 or more groups, like D-I, I-S, S-C, D-C, etc. 

As a result, the only way to identify your personality group is by taking our free DISC Personality Test. After having a clear view of yourself, you can easily direct your career. You can also take part in the advanced DISC Personality Test to gain a better understanding of your insight. This test will be designed for individuals who want to construct a development plan to fully utilize the capabilities. 

Application of the DISC Personality Test